For supervisors

For Supervisors

In addition to the local facilities a NLD BBSRC DTP student will benefit from additional support and cohort events. Listed below is information for current and prospective supervisors.

Information with supervisors with a current NLD BBSRC DTP student

In many respects a NLD BBSRC DTP student will complete their studies in the same way as any other student or student on a studentship but with the additional benefits and support of having a co-supervisor at another institution, the upskilling opportunities available via the PIPs placement, the experience of having your student study in a different lab and additional support available via NLD BBSRC DTP grants and events. As the PIPS, lab rotation and cohort events are all vital parts of the NLD BBSRC DTP student experience and a requirement of the funding we would confirm that students should always be given the time away from the lab to take part in these vital activities and encouraged to engage wherever possible. If there is an occasion where your student needs to miss an event or activity for any reason please ensure you discuss this with your local DTP lead.

Information for prospective supervisors

Each year a central call will be made requesting the submission of projects for the studentships starting in the following October. Following this the projects will be marked by colleagues across the DTP and NLD BBSRC DTP Management Board will meet and decide on the strongest projects submitted. From there the selected projects will all be advertised, this can be as many as 60 projects for 28 fully funded studentships (from 2020 onwards). Supervisors are asked to rank the applicants to their project and are able to put forward up to three candidates per project. Following this nomination process the NLD Management Board will create a shortlist of candidates to interview. We believe that this method always us to recruit the very best students to the very best projects. If you have any questions about the process then please discuss this with your local DTP lead in the first instance, or contact us at 

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